I just published a new White Paper: Physicians Cutting Out the Middleman:
How to Contract Directly with Employers & Eliminate Adversarial Managed Care Agreements
This informative guide for physicians provides step-by-step instructions on when, where, and how to negotiate direct agreements with employers as an alternative to adversarial PPO and HMO agreements. Most physicians and practice management firms have never taken a close look at direct contracting because of the widespread assumption that managed care companies control the means by which employers can do business with medical providers. That assumption is simply not true.
My White Paper highlights the advantages of direct contracting for physicians while it debunks the myths that managed care companies have spread for years about how physicians can do business with employers.
This is a "must-read" for medical providers, but also for employers. Knowing the advantages that physicians can gain from direct contracts should encourage employers to seek out those providers for direct contracts. Read my previous post on Employers Held Hostage by Managed Care Companies and you'll understand the importance of direct agreements for employers and physicians alike.
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